Virtual offices in Cincinnati
Choose from over 12 locations in Cincinnati.
Establish your business in Cincinnati with our virtual office services.
Ideal for remote workers, or those wanting to expand into a new market without the need to invest heavily in a physical office space, our services can equip you with a prime business and mailing address in Cincinnati. Other additional options include mail handling and telephone answering services.Pricing information
Office, co-working and virtual office prices shown are per person, per day.
All prices shown are the minimum price, based on a 24 month contract or lowest rates available.
Meeting room prices shown are per room per hour at the minimum rate
See centers in…
Hyde Park
The residential suburb of Hyde Park is one of the most historic parts of Austin and hosts numerous graduates at a top ranking university.
View centersLincoln Park
The community district of Lincoln Park is notable for its nightlife and a la carte dining while it is also the home of Lincoln Park Zoo.
View centersO Hare
Home of the city’s international airport, O Hare is a major hub and it also forms part of the bustling Golden Corridor commercial district.
View centersCenter City
Home to foreign consulates and Philadelphia’s tallest building, Centre City is also a chosen location for Comcast, Cigna and Sunoco.
View centersAbout virtual office in Cincinnati
For growing organisations, expansion can be costly, but with a virtual office rental, it need not be. Our virtual office solutions allow you to establish a commercial presence in Cincinnati without a substantial financial burden. Your business address will be situated in an excellent location and will benefit from customisable plans, which can be tailored to suit your projected growth. Whether you are looking for a basic virtual mailing address for prospective clients to contact you, or a comprehensive telephone answering service where calls are answered with your company name, we offer a range of services to keep you on top of client communications. Furthermore, you will have access to our global network of drop-in lounges, available in airports, stations and other convenient locations.
Fortuitously situated in the south of Ohio, Cincinnati is well-connected to major economic centres such as Chicago, New York and Washington DC via its access to five interstates and seven US route highways. With a population of over 300,000, this city has plenty to offer prospective businesses, with many organisations already taking advantage of the highly-educated workforce here. Macy’s, General Electric and The Kroger Company are just some of the renowned companies operating out of the region, whilst the University of Cincinnati is located in the centre and enrols over 44,000 students every year. For those seeking culture, the locale offers a diverse arts scene, providing visitors with a number of attractions, from historic theatres to period architecture.
What’s available

Professional address
- A professional business presence anywhere at one of our 4000 locations
- Daily, weekly or monthly mail handling service

Virtual office
- All the benefits of Professional Address
- Local phone number to enhance your local presence
- Business phone services including customised greeting and voicemail, local number and three named contacts
- A live receptionist to answer your calls professionally
- Unlimited access to our 2000 business lounges

Virtual Office Plus
- All the benefits of Virtual Office
- Five-day access to a private office in your location of choice
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