Virtual offices in New Orleans
Choose from over 11 locations in New Orleans.
Establish your business in New Orleans with our virtual office services.
Ideal for remote workers, or those wanting to expand into a new market without the need to invest heavily in a physical office space, our services can equip you with a prime business and mailing address in New Orleans. Other additional options include mail handling and telephone answering services.Pricing information
Office, co-working and virtual office prices shown are per person, per day.
All prices shown are the minimum price, based on a 24 month contract or lowest rates available.
Meeting room prices shown are per room per hour at the minimum rate
See centers in…
Downtown Houston
Downtown Houston constitutes the commercial hub of the city and provides live performing arts venues and numerous green parks.
View centersMontrose
Montrose in Houston continues to increase in popularity and has a reputation as one of the city’s most exciting and diverse districts.
View centersGreater Greenspoint
The North Houston district of Greater Greenspoint covers 18 square kilometres and provides a mix of residential and commercial spaces.
View centersLazybrook - Timbergrove
The mainly residential and co-joined neighbourhoods of Lazybrook and Timbergrove occupy a strategic location close to the energy corridor.
View centersAbout virtual office in New Orleans
Regus provides organisations with the opportunity to break into the New Orleans market at an affordable rate with our virtual office services. This package differs from other virtual office rental providers, as it offers an authentic business address in prime locations. Not only enabling clients looking for your company to walk into the building and be directed to your office, this service also includes access to a private space if you choose the Virtual Plus package. Paired with a local business number, a telephone answering service and a virtual mailing address, you can easily keep up with any missed communications.
Situated only 30 minutes from Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, the city of New Orleans offers an outstanding location for both tourists and entrepreneurs looking to establish their business into the market here. Home to leading companies such as Folgers, which have set up the largest coffee roasting factory here, and Entergy, a member of the Fortune 500, the commercial community here is particularly exclusive. A swathe of shipping, logistics and other nautical organisations have established themselves in this region to take advantage of the thriving Gulf Coast seaport, including the likes of Intermarine, Trinity Yachts, Expeditors International and Bollinger Shipyards.
What’s available

Professional address
- A professional business presence anywhere at one of our 4000 locations
- Daily, weekly or monthly mail handling service

Virtual office
- All the benefits of Professional Address
- Local phone number to enhance your local presence
- Business phone services including customised greeting and voicemail, local number and three named contacts
- A live receptionist to answer your calls professionally
- Unlimited access to our 2000 business lounges

Virtual Office Plus
- All the benefits of Virtual Office
- Five-day access to a private office in your location of choice
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