Virtual offices in Chichester

Choose from over 7 locations in Chichester.

Establish your business in Chichester with our virtual office services.

Ideal for remote workers, or those wanting to expand into a new market without the need to invest heavily in a physical office space, our services can equip you with a prime business and mailing address in Chichester. Other additional options include mail handling and telephone answering services.

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Teddington is one of London’s quintessentially upmarket neighbourhoods, featuring Hampton Court Palace, Ham House and Strawberry Hill House.

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Home to the busiest airport in all of the United Kingdom, Heathrow features the offices for many leading airlines.

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A suburban neighbourhood in Richmond, Twickenham is famed for being the home of the world’s largest rugby stadium

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One of the most exclusive suburbs in all of London, Kew is home to the National Archives and the Royal Botanic Gardens.

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About virtual office in Chichester

Our Chichester buildings provide excellent accommodation for virtual offices. With its desirable West Sussex postcode, companies benefit from the mailing address and local phone number that come as standard with our virtual offices. In addition to providing your company with a reputable landline, our call handling service sees your calls automatically forwarded to another number of your choice, or you may use our telephone answering service, where one of our members of staff will answer your calls for you, stating that they are from your company. Any post sent to you may also be redirected to another address of your choice, using our mail handling service. Mail can also be collected from our offices at a time that suits you.

Chichester’s cathedral adds character to the city centre and, with its many public houses, tea rooms and restaurants, the region offers a desirable location not just for tourism, but for hosting working lunches and accommodating travelling business personnel. The region is easily accessible along the A27 and M27, enabling short journey times to London’s city centre as well as major airports, including London Heathrow International and London Gatwick International. It is also just a 25 minute journey from Portsmouth by road or rail and offers national and international ferry services to towns in France and Spain, as well as other English ports.

What’s available

Professional address

Professional address

  • A professional business presence anywhere at one of our 4000 locations
  • Daily, weekly or monthly mail handling service
Virtual office

Virtual office

  • All the benefits of Professional Address
  • Local phone number to enhance your local presence
  • Business phone services including customised greeting and voicemail, local number and three named contacts
  • A live receptionist to answer your calls professionally
  • Unlimited access to our 2000 business lounges
Virtual Office Plus

Virtual Office Plus

  • All the benefits of Virtual Office
  • Five-day access to a private office in your location of choice