Virtual offices in Renfrew
Choose from over 12 locations in Renfrew.
Establish your business in Renfrew with our virtual office services.
Ideal for remote workers, or those wanting to expand into a new market without the need to invest heavily in a physical office space, our services can equip you with a prime business and mailing address in Renfrew. Other additional options include mail handling and telephone answering services.Pricing information
Office, co-working and virtual office prices shown are per person, per day.
All prices shown are the minimum price, based on a 24 month contract or lowest rates available.
Meeting room prices shown are per room per hour at the minimum rate
See centers in…
Benefitting from recent investment, Salford is home to the Salford Quays, a modern technology park attached to a vibrant entertainment district.
View centersSpinningfields
Considered the Canary Wharf of Manchester, Spinningfields is a commercial suburb that boasts gleaming office buildings and well-kept garden spaces.
View centersManchester City Centre
Manchester City Centre is the thriving heart of this northern commercial hub with transport links to Liverpool, Sheffield, Newcastle and Edinburgh.
View centersManchester Airport
Manchester Airport boasts a rich history in aviation and many amenities for when you are waiting for that next flight.
View centersAbout virtual office in Renfrew
What’s available

Professional address
- A professional business presence anywhere at one of our 4000 locations
- Daily, weekly or monthly mail handling service

Virtual office
- All the benefits of Professional Address
- Local phone number to enhance your local presence
- Business phone services including customised greeting and voicemail, local number and three named contacts
- A live receptionist to answer your calls professionally
- Unlimited access to our 2000 business lounges

Virtual Office Plus
- All the benefits of Virtual Office
- Five-day access to a private office in your location of choice
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